Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Day 53

"If You Can Not Tell....This is Extreme Lightning"

Miles Biked: 55

Hello from Green River, Utah! You would think with a name like Green River I would be in a lush valley. Nope, I'm smack dab in the middle of the desert. Our trip today took us from the beautiful sandstone rocks of Moab, to deeper into the dry Southwest......and now it's just sand. This is the kind of town that only exists due to the interstate running through it. It's fun to think any day we bike less than 70 as a quasi day off.

Last night was one of the most fun nights on the trip. After a swim in the lap pool at the Moab City Pool and a wonderful free dinner from the church......a nasty thunderstorm started to roll in. As HBC-ers sat in the parking lot oooing and ahhing at the bolts of lightning, Liz and Andy were kind enough to start the van and drive us for a better view up in Arches National Park.

The van included quite the crew. Corey, Pat, Myself, Francis, Bertoli, Colin, Claire, Liz, Andy and the Birthday Boy 21 year old Craig. As we drove up the switchbacks, the storm became closer and closer. The lightning from the storm was so intense bolts would stay in the sky for several seconds. The clouds turned the sky dark before the sun went down, the wind picked up, and flashes could be seen from all directions. Just as the storm was getting good Liz pulled into a parking lot where tourists were sitting outside of their cars staring upward like chickens caught in the rain. A National Park ranger pulled in and over the mega phone exclaimed....."If you haven't noticed, the lightning is extreme, get back in your cars". What she really wanted to say was "Excuse me dumbasses, but that lightning will kill you...stop being idiots". You could tell from the sarcasm in her voice. The storm continued to pick up and all in the van were going crazy with each boom of thunder. It was really awesome to see the lightning light up the sandstone towers and cliffs all around us. We decided the storm was getting really bad and should start heading down off the plateau and down out of the park. A couple miles from the entrance, a park ranger had stopped traffic. Slowly we were informed a 2,000,000 year old portion of sandstone had fallen from the storm into the road, and was blocking our exit. Heavy Machinery was called in, and we would have to be "patient". That boulder falling in the road was one of the best things that has happened to me on the trip!

Drinks were passed around, cookies sent by mothers that were left in the car were eaten, and we triple dog dared Gizmo to take a Birthday stroll past the line of cars behind us in his birthday suit. When Gizmo returned we triumphantly started a dance party that rivaled Toad's. The dancing started with singing of "every time we touch" and moved to Pat and I jumping over seats and starting a mosh pit to Sandstorm. Since the sky had cleared the party moved outside where the van became a tool to get leverage so our dance moves could be heard. The dancing continued as Pat gave a wonderful performance of Queen in front of the van's headlights. 30 or 40 minutes into the party a National Park Ranger made his way down the line of cars.......he passed us....told us it would be another 15 minutes or so....continued on his way.....made it two cars past the van.....then backed up......

As he approached the van, the music was turned down. A young Ranger then explained the reason for his return visit.......STREAKING. It appears that someone behind the van did not enjoy the entertainment provided by the Giz. According to the Ranger "streaking" falls in a grey area in the law of the park.....and while there is no law against it.....it is discouraged. After a few apologies from Liz and Andy we could tell that the Ranger seemed proud of our activities to pass the time from the boulder, but grey rules are grey rules.

Eventually the boulder was removed, and we headed back to our camp to spend our last night in Moab. Our ride today took us on the Interstate which was fun and we are all getting amped for our 112 mile ride to Capital Reef tomorrow. Hope all is still well. Happy Pioneer Day everyone (A Morman Holiday that was described to me as a 4th of July, although I doubt they chug down their 3.2% beers)!


Unknown said...

I am very surprised that Giz did not get struck with a bolt since he was running around with a lightning rod in his hand.

While you are in Utah maybe you could pick up a couple of wives. One could pedal the bike and the other could be in the advance bar hunting party. Very uselful.

Remember as you are crossing the desert ahead, that the bar you see on the horizon is just a mirage. Also remember that alcohol will dehydrate you. You can stop laughing now.

Ride hard and be safe.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having a good time Ben, even when stuck in traffic in Utah of all places. Hope you didn’t pull a leg muscle during the dance party because that can kill you riding career. Enjoy and be safe.