Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day 33+34

Smell my Jersey

Miles biked: 85

Hello from Emporia, Kansas! The home of our rest day and our 4th of July celebrations! I certainly need the rest after about 250 miles of biking in three days! We have moved out of the flooded farms of Iola and biked to a town that has over 25,000 people. At this point in the trip it feels like New York City. Yippie!

In my last post I mentioned we were going to the Iola airport. After I blogged that day, we ate dinner with the church and were shipped to a small airport on the outskirts of the city. I don't think anyone was ready for what awaited us. The church had arranged for us to have free rides in these crazy parachute fan flying machines! The "aircraft" looked like go carts with a huge fan attached to the back and a large parachute that hovered above it. Everyone got the chance to ride at heights of over 600 feet above the ground. Some, like Pat, had adventurous pilots who chased after Deer and coyotes. I had more of a standard flight that was really amazing!

The next day as we awoke in the church, Pat Muha was drawing attention. I walked over and Pat demanded I smell his jersey. I reluctantly agreed. The smell was horrible! It reeked of a very strong scent of urine! We are all convinced it was a failed Kaniska gift. In any event, it did not stop Pat from throwing the jersey on and wearing it for 85 miles. When he arrived in Emporia he had symtoms of Uritoxication.(sickness from smelling urine too long)

At the start of the day I decided to celebrate the Holiday in style. I wore a 4th of July bow tie, pinned a flag to my back, and had mini flags hanging on my bike and helmet. It seemed to get a positive response on the road. About 45 miles into the journey we came across the small town of Gridley, which had shut down their "Main Street" and had a couple of tents and activities. I bought a hat, played some bachi, ate a chili dog, walked past the car show, and watched some motorcyclist awe the small crowd with wheelies. I have decided I have never felt more American than celebrating the 4th with the town of Gridley Kansas. Some little girls even asked if they could have their picture with me and Gizmo.....HBC-ers have become such celebrities.

The ride into Emporia was easier for me than most. More than half the group took a wrong turn on Highway 99 and rode anywhere from 90-111 miles compared to my 85! Corey walked in after 106 miles with a smile on his face. "I got to do a century on the 4th!" I was happy with the bare minimum. On my ride in I passed a meat factory and almost got giddy when I saw the cows in the final pen before entering the "chopping block". Poor cows.....but I think everyone should be able to see where meat actually comes from. It does not smell pretty. Last night we HBC style celebrated the 4th by sneaking over to a dog park and lighting off illegal fireworks that I bought in Missouri. I bought a $25 pack called the Pyro-Predator which entertained us. Throughout the night there were fireworks being lit from all directions. We were also given one of the most beautiful sun sets I've ever seen! The night ended by most of HBC dancing and singing in the church parking lot to "I would bike 4,000 miles" (instead of I would walk 500 miles).

On my day off today I was able to help lead a bike clinic at a local day camp. The funny thing was none of the kids had bikes, so Corey, Lisa, Beth and I made up a relay race to entertain the youth of Emporia. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to blog again since I'll be in the middle of nowhere Kansas. Make sure to light off all of your extra fireworks and think of the pyro-predator and me!


Anonymous said...

Reading blog day 31 & 32 will go down in history as the hardest I have ever seen your father laugh. Your blog keeps getting better and better.



Anonymous said...

I'm both proud and relieved to see that Pat has not forgotten to exercise good hygene...jeeze. He'd better wash that jersey or when the temps hit triple digits you may all get to see him spontaneously combust.

Jack Muha